
Innovative Treatment Liberates the Elderly from Varicose Veins

Abstract: Venous varicose veins represent a common vascular condition, with increased prevalence among the elderly population. In this report, we present the case of a 91-year-old Chinese who, due to advanced age and resistance to surgical intervention, had been struggling with venous varicosities for over four decades. Upon a local…

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How soon can I take a shower after CHIVA treatment?

HOME > Health Information CHIVA treatment is revolutionizing the approach to varicose vein management, offering a minimally invasive alternative to traditional surgical procedures. One common question that arises among individuals undergoing CHIVA treatment is when they can safely take a shower after the procedure. In this article, we will explore the…

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The Safety and Efficacy of Closure Glue Treatment for Varicose Veins

HOME > Health Information Endovenous glue treatment is a new method for treating varicose veins. It involves injecting glue (n-butyl cyanoacrylate) into the main trunk of the great saphenous vein to seal the vein, replacing traditional laser or radiofrequency ablation techniques. The endovenous glue treatment technique, initially introduced by Medtronic with…

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Why do children rarely have varicose veins on their legs?

HOME > Health Information Children have relatively healthy venous systems with good elasticity and adaptability. Their veins are relatively small, with lower pressure, and their valve function has not undergone prolonged blood flow impact. In addition, children usually have more active lifestyles, which promotes blood circulation and muscle contraction, helping to…

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Does varicose veins cause leg cramps?

HOME > Health Information Yes, varicose veins can sometimes cause nighttime leg cramps. Varicose veins are a common disease caused by obstruction or reflux of venous blood, often occurring in the lower limbs. Nighttime leg cramps are a common symptom of venous disease. However, cramps caused by venous issues could have…

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CHIVA, as the most advanced technique for treating lower limb varicose veins, preserves the intact venous reflux network. How long does it take after the surgery for the dilated and twisted veins to gradually restore normal function and caliber?

HOME > Health Information CHIVA (Conservative Hemodynamic Cure of Venous Insufficiency with Ambulatory Conservative Treatment and Microsurgery) is an advanced technique for treating lower limb varicose veins that preserves the complete venous reflux network. The recovery time and the extent of functional and caliber restoration of dilated and twisted veins after…

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Hemodynamic Assessment: Can Spider Veins Progress to Varicose Veins?

HOME > Health Information Spider veins, also known as telangiectasia or thread veins, along with varicose veins, are common venous conditions that affect over 30% of the population. Spider veins are small dilated blood vessels near the skin’s surface, while varicose veins are larger, twisted veins that often cause discomfort and…

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